Home Remodeling Projects

Project Example: Floating Home Remodel

When Remodeling Requires Imagining What Could Be

These are the before and after photos of the floating home which Carol and I remodeled and moved into last year. It is a project I am very proud of.

I think of it as an example of being able to look at something and see not just what it is but the possibilities of what it could be. Now that’s a good definition of creativity. It is in the space of what could be where design and creativity happen for me in remodeling projects.

It is the moments where I can bring something new or open up an opportunity to clients where I get a thrill designing. And they get the joy of getting more from their project than they ever imagined.

Want to know more about the projects featured in this article? Have an idea for your own project? Drop me a note or give me a call. I’d love to show you why my clients keep coming back to me project after project.

Urban Renaissance LLC